Friday, May 28, 2010
Enjoy the a beautiful landscape inside our air conditioned building!
I think we will surpass our expected 95 degrees here today. It is HOT, HOT!.....
But NOT in the Gallery. We keep out thermostat at a pleasant 74. So, come in to a room filled with lovely mountain landscapes by Chuck Rawle, and rocky shores with waves crashing and desert mountains under a lovely sky by Reg Stark, and Jean Olliver's bits of Texas, and Mark Stewart's amazing watercolors of southern spots that make you want to sit and have a glass of lemonade, and, of course, me. Pull up a favorite chair and sip something cold of your choice. I'll be here all summer (except for a week in August. Even store owners need a vacation). Mary will soon be spending some cool winter time in Australia visiting old friends, so while I may not be as efficient, I love to visit and enjoy art. We're pretty laid back around here as most of you probably know by now. So, come on over! Check us out!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Some great new traditional landscapes on display
Chuck Rawke;s work, pictured here, is inspired by his travels throughout the Western United States. Some of his work was featured in the "Western Art Collector" in October of 2009, and more will be featured in the next issue of "Southwest Art". We are so pleased to have a few of his oils on display here at MSG, along with the traditional watercolors of Houston Artist Mark Stewart and the beautiful representational oils of Jean Olliver. All three of these premier artists live in our area.and we are so pleased to show their work here in Richmond.
Of course, we also have all our artists' work on display but these three painters are featured for the next few weeks.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Summer Showtime
Things went well for our opening and we all had a good time. I always hope more people will come, especially to this show because it is a really good one and Reg Stark and Steve Conrad had some wonderful work. These two are such fine artists and their work is always fresh and interesting, and so are they. We aren't having a show in May because most of the weekends are busy with end of school parties and stuff. But we're back in June with our first "Emerging Artists" exhibit for two talented young men just starting their careers. I'll give you more about them soon. In July we will have a well known Rosenberg artist who paints the rural history of our community. In the meantime, come by and see what's left of the show as well as some new pieces from all our artists here at Morton Street Gallery.