Morton Street Gallery is in Richmond, Texas, in an historic 19th century building. All of our artists live and paint around Ft. Bend or Harris, Counties. Richmond is the County Seatof Ft Bend, a town of about 10,000 and 30 miles or so from Houston. But it is not surburbia. It is truly a small town. If you're in the vacinity, stop by and see us. Our website is

Friday, May 21, 2010

Some great new traditional landscapes on display

Chuck Rawke;s work, pictured here, is inspired by his travels throughout the Western United States.  Some of his work was featured in the "Western Art Collector" in October of 2009, and more will be featured in the next issue of "Southwest Art".  We are so pleased to have a few of his oils on display here at MSG, along with the traditional watercolors of Houston Artist Mark Stewart and the beautiful representational oils of Jean Olliver. All three of these premier artists live in our area.and we are so pleased to show their work here in Richmond.
Of course, we also have all our artists' work on display but these three painters are featured for the next few weeks.

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